Lecturer (Unconfirmed)
Dr. Ajith Rathnayake joined to the Department of Bioprocess Technology in July 2019, straight after completing his PhD from the Natural Resources Institutes, University of Greenwich UK. His PhD work mainly focused on establishing the link between plant stress signaling and activatable endogenous pararetrovirus (EPRV) sequences in yam breeding lines.
Ajith holds a B.Sc (Special) degree in Botany (University of Ruhuna, SL), a M.Sc in Molecular and Applied Microbiology (PGIA, SL). In 2010, Ajith was awarded an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship to follow a M.Sc program in Horticulture Sciences (University of Bologna, Italy, Technical University of Munich, Germany and BOKU, Austria). He did his master thesis work at Brigitte Poppenberger’s lab at the Technical University of Munich where he researched on Brasssinosteroid stress signaling pathway. Before start PhD, he worked at German Research Center for Food Chemistry at Freising, as a part time research assistant.
Ajith main interest lies in how botanical and microbial pesticides can be used to protect crops and to improve human health. In addition, he is also exploring how microalgae can be used to develop value added products. Ajith is also an expert in qRT-PCR, RCA, RNAseq and micro-propagation techniques.
BPT 2205: Molecular Biology
BPT 2209: Molecular Biotechnology
BPT 3201: Molecular Microbiology
BPT 3108: Seminar
BPT 3209: Scientific Writing
BPT 2203: Genetics and Evolution
Journal Publication
Conference Presentation
Poster Publication
Lecturer In-charge – August 2019 – to date.
Senate member – October 2019 – to date.
Student counsellor – FoT, RUSL – December 2019 – to date.
Member of RUSL Journal editorial board – December 2019 – to date.